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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I hire a consultant when I can do it myself?

It is true you can do it yourself; however, it will take your time to prepare the necessary evidence, attend your informal hearing, and attend your formal hearing. In addition, you will likely need to contact a real estate professional to obtain access to sales in your area. You can certainly do it yourself, but we believe your time is valuable and you would be better off leaving it to knowledgeable and experienced professionals. With our years of training and dedication we have compounded the necessary tools and techniques in order to offer you the best opportunity for savings and relief when it comes to your investment(s).  

2. What is the deadline to file my protest?

The deadline to file the 1st Monday in June or 30 days after you receive an assessment. However you can file after that for the next tax year. 

3. Do I need to come to my hearing or do anything else?

The main thing we need from you is to fill out the forms that authorize us to protest on your behalf. Without the proper forms, we cannot represent you. No, you do not need to come to the hearing. The only thing we ask from you is to keep us aware of your property’s condition, as well as any changes in contact information. Your assistance helps us achieve higher reductions. 

4. What is the risk/catch of retaining your services?

There is no catch. In very rare instances formal hearing panels can raise property values. We prevent this by not bringing forward frivolous cases. If we believe the formal hearing will raise the value, we will immediately withdraw the case. There is no other catch. Our fee consists of 50% of the tax savings we obtain for you, nothing else. There are no hidden fees.

5. Does lowering my assessed value make my property worth less when I want to sell?

No. Appraised values are only used for tax purposes. Either you or a real estate professional will evaluate the market when it is time to sell. Appraised values are supposed to approximate a reliable measurement of what your property is worth, but do not affect what a willing buyer and seller will agree upon.

6. Are your fees negotiable for multiple properties?

No, we believe our fees are reasonable. We represent several large portfolios, and they each pay our 50% contingency fee. The good news is you only pay us when we save you money. No savings means no fee and the confidence your home was fairly appraised.

7. I pay my taxes with my mortgage; how do I receive my savings?

Your mortgage lender will adjust your escrow.

6. Do you guarantee a reduction?

No, anyone who promises you a guaranteed savings are not reputable. We DO guarantee we will not charge you for savings we do not achieve. Our contingency fee aligns our incentives with yours; we both want your property tax bill lowered. However, not every property is over-appraised; therefore we cannot reduce property values that are already appraised fairly or below market value.

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