Qualifying Criteria
- A reduced property tax rate is available for
100% disabled veterans and the unmarried
surviving spouse of veterans who died while
on active duty or died as a result of a
service-connected disability. You must own
or currently be under contract to purchase a
home or mobile/manufactured home and live in the home as your primary residence for at least seven months of the tax year you are applying for.
- To determine your eligibility, the department will verify your 2015 Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI), excluding capital and income losses. For a single applicant, your income must be less than $49,157 and $56,720 for married applicants and head of household (a spouse’s income is included regardless of whether they are an owner of the property). For an unmarried surviving spouse, your income must be less than $42,855. If you are new to Montana, provide a copy of your 2015 federal income tax return.
- If your only income is from social security, veterans' benefits and/or other nontaxable sources, include a copy of your social security statement and/or other income documentation with your completed application.
The following chart shows the 2017 income guidelines. Depending on the marital status and income of the homeowner, the tax rate is reduced by 100%, 80%, 70% or 50% of the normal tax rate. The income ranges are updated each year for inflation.
2017 Income Guidelines for the Montana Disabled Veteran Tax Assistance Program
Single Person Married or Filing Head of Household Surviving Spouse Percent Reduction
$0 - $37,812 $0 - $45,375 $0 - $31,510 100%
$37,813 - $41,594 $45,376 - $49,157 $31,511 - $35,292 80%
$41,595 - $45,375 $49,158 - $52,938 $35,293 - $39,073 70%
$45,376- $49,157 $52,939 - $56,720 $39,074 - $42,855 50%